



There are 6 products.

Phytotherapy made of brazilian Amazon herbs.


  • Bloodpressure

    Natural products to treat Bloodpressure naturally with herbs and teas.

  • Bloodcirculation

    Natural treatments to control and better your Circulation.

  • holesterine

    Lower Cholesterine naturally without these Statins. Treat your Cholesterines with natural products without sideeffects.

  • Diabetes

    Control Diabetes naturally with Bauhinia fortificata, Gymnema Sylvestre, Jambolao and other herbs from the Brazilian Amazon. 100% effective and lowers bloodsugar without sideeffects.

  • Skin and Bodycare

    Natural Skin and Bodycare with herbs. 100 % Natural and without chemicals.

  • Head, Neck and throat

    Alternative treatment with herbs for Head, Neck and Throat

  • Digestive System

    Alternative Digestive System herbs. Without sideeffects. Efficient and healthy.

  • Menopause

    Alternative Menopause herbs against PMS and heatwaves.

  • Nerves and free Radicals

    Alternative Therapies for nerves and free radicals. 100% Natural and efficient

  • Kidney and Liver

    Alternative Kidney and Liver therapies with herbs. 100% natural and efficient.

  • Osteoporosis

    Alternative Osteoporosis therapies with Herbs, vitamins and Minerals.

  • Rheumatism and Arthritis

    Alternative Rheumatism and Arthritis therapies with Amazon herbs

  • Prostate

    Alternative natural therapies for your prostate treatment.

  • Heart

    Alternative medicine for heart problems