Passiflora edulis
leafs, 500g
Family: Passifloraceae
Genus: Passiflora
Species: incarnata, edulis
Common Names: Maracuja, passionflower, carkifelek, charkhi felek, maypop, maypop passionflower, saa't gulu, ward assa'ah, zahril aalaam, granadilla, passionvine, maracoc, apricot-vine, saa't gulu, ward assa'ah, zahril aalaam
Part Used: Vine, Leaves, Stem
Passion flower tea may help: in calming and sedating the nerves and combating anxiety. It can thus help in ushering restful sleep; improve blood circulation, as well as lower blood pressure; may help lessen headaches, toothaches and pain associated with colic, the menstrual cycle and asthma; Passion flower tea may help alleviate nausea and vomiting due to withdrawal from Vicodin, cocaine, heroin, or opiate painkillers.
Passion flower tea may be helpful in men who produce excessive estrogen as the herb can help stimulate production of testosterone.
Brazil |
Food, sedative |
Peru |
Food, diuretic, urinary infections |
Amazonia |
Food, heart tonic |
Package with 500g